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Why is Tisha B'av 2024 different from any other year?

Writer's picture: Ya'el BatshevaYa'el Batsheva

In the holy city of Yerushalayim, the Beit Hamikdash once stood as the place where Hashem's presence rested. The Jewish faith testifies that the tangible and physical essence of the Almighty was present in the Holy Temple. Daily sacrifices were made, and feast/holidays were hallmarks of the ingathering of B'eni Yisrael-all in which to provide a place for drawing close to Hashem, in worship. It was on the 9th day of the Hebrew month of "Av," where the temple was first destroyed in 586 BCE by the Babylonian Empire.

After the Jewish exiles returned to the land, a second temple was built by the year 515 BCE. This second construction was the same edifice that Yeshua walked upon, and 40 years after his death and resurrection the temple fell to the army of Titus. Its found in Mishnah Ta'anit 4:6 that the Roman army breached the walls of the Holy City in 70 CE on the 17th of Tammuz, and by the 9th of Av, the Temple had been entirely decimated.

Subsequently in history many horrific acts have been comitted against the Jewish people on this day. Tisha B'av represents the pain, oppression and suffering that we collectively as a people feel. We not only lost the central focal place of worship but we were distanced as a nation in our relationship to the Almighty.

In this modern era, particularly this year the mo'ed weighs on our hearts even more heavily. The hostages are still not home, one by one they are celebrating their birthdays underground, isolated from all they are familiar and comforted by. The world keeps moving on. Little 5 year old Ariel Bibas, does he have any notion that he is living in the midst of the most highly contested war on terrorism? This war will be fast approaching a one year anniversary, at this rate with no resolution in sight.

Will we spend another Simcah Torah in shock and suspense as Israel continues to be a sitting duck for the enemies of the Arab States that surround it? As it continues to be political fodder for the current Presidential election. Is there hope in the midst of despair?!

Personally I find solace in reading Isaiah 61, which tells us there is liberty for the captive, mending and besorah for the brokenhearted. Where is this balm of Gilead? What do we grab hold of when we are in the darkest pit, being threatened by a very real and eminent threat?

Yeshua, our hope provides more than a temporary solution. Belief in our Savior the Mashiach, is our one true HOPE. In Yeshua we find perfect Shalom. HE will be the one who turns our mourning into dancing.

Tisha B'av is the collective day of mourning for the Jewish People, it is historically and culturally the saddest day on the calendar. A day of destruction, a day where evil has prevailed in the past and yet where a prophecy to be fulfilled will bring about rejoicing, in future.

“Thus says the Lord: The fast of the fourth month (17th Tamuz), the fast of the fifth month (Tisha B’av), the fast of the seventh month (Tzum Gedalya), and the fast of the tenth month (10th of Tevet), shall become for the House of Judah days of joy and gladness – happy festivals – [on the condition that] you must love and follow – emet v’shalom – truth and peace. ”

Zachariah 8:18-19*

Over the course of three weeks, before the 9th of Av-many refrain and fast from various things and activities that would be associated with a Simchat or celebration such as a wedding. These somber days are a focal point for a period of mourning the loss of the greater community, not just through our Holy Temple and all that it represented but also the loss of life, the loss of culture, the loss of dignity, such as the start of WWII and the Holocaust, Ha Shoah, which means catastrophe/calamity.

The major fast of Tisha B'Av is known as

"Bayn Ha-Metsarim." Translated to "in the Straits."

Being in dire straits, this phrase rings a bell when I hear this and it reminds me that we need to get our priorities in order, this land, this people, this nation, us spiritually are in the dire straits and we need Mashiach NOW! We are at the end of our rope, such as our forefathers and ancestors most likely thought time and time before. But we can see the numerous prophecies that have already come to past. The end is nigh, than Mashiach must be ready to come down? What is our job to hasten his return? Is it in our wheel house to be the ones to usher in the Messianic period of time? Is it going to be our generation that succeeds in witnessing the Shekinah glory fall on Eretz Yisrael? Will this take place in our day and age, will our children live with peace on Earth, the Shalom that surpasses all understanding? Will we hasten the day? Is it going to be fulfilled in our history? Are we that close to seeing the prophecies come to FULL completion? The list of questioning goes on, but my faith and spirit is strengthened.

May it be so and may we say "Next year in the NEW Yerushalayim."

Ya'el Batsheva

Source Cited:

*The Four Fast Days and Sefer Zechariah


댓글 2개

Ana BellaC
Ana BellaC
2024년 8월 11일

Right on time what I needed to hear!


Yael Batsheva
Yael Batsheva
2024년 8월 11일

Let’s continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

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